Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Woo Woo Everypup!

I have been reading the wonderful comments left by my all my new friends are realized that I forgot to put a bit of information in way back in my first blog. I am a girl dog. Until I read Khrya and Dave's comments I did not realize there was a case of "mistaken identity"! I am SO sorry! Mom named me after the main lady character in a romance novel.

I think it is really cool that we have 2 Daves. I know another Amber--she is a red and white SiberMal who is part of our running group. My mom had an Amber in her "Original Five", which was her very first team. One of her leaders was Kira. Khyra--How do you pronounce your name?????

The picture on the left is Kira. The one on the right is Kira and Moon. These ladies were mom's main leaders. The picture on the right was taken at a school demo. They taught me a lot when I was a puppy. One of the things they taught me was that kitties are NOT squeaky toys and that if I made them squeak, mom would not be happy! (LOL) Soooo, I am VERY good to my kitties. Well, I have to admit, I would like to make Starr squeak--but that is because she always hisses, swats and chases me down the hall!! In fact, she is coming after me now!!!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Puppy pic, Dave & Frosty Paws

Haroo Everypup,

Well, I told you I would try to post a picture of me when I was a puppy and here it is. It was taken on the very first time I went outdoors. The grass felt really funny, but it was lots of fun.

The next picture is of my daddy dog, Dave. This is especially for my new friend Dave from the Ao4.

My dad was rescued in Vermont. The very nice ACO put pictures of all the dogs on a website. My mom saw his picture and just knew he needed to come to live with her. She knew his name would be Dave as soon as she saw his picture. He came to live with mom in June, 2002. He runs wheel on our team although he has run lead in a race. He has a wonderful, friendly personality and all of us love him very much. He welcomed Velvet and Jasmine when they arrived, which helped them relax after their long trips.

I don't look much like him, but mom said I inherited his voice (very loud) and his great work ethic.

Mom gave us our special treat today...it was "Frosty Paws" which is like ice cream for dogs. Here I am enjoying mine. Mine was peanut butter flavor and it was really good! I told mom that if anyone didn't want theirs, I would eat it for them. So far, that has not happened. I was taking a nap on mom's bed (before she was able to put new sheets on it) when she brought me my treat. I was so comfortable that I just asked her to let me eat it right there and she did! Guess I have her pretty well trained, huh??
Hope everypup had a fun weekend.
Birthdays sure are fun!
Play bows,

Friday, April 11, 2008

Yesterday was MY Special Day!

April 11, 2008

HaaRoo Everypup!

Yesterday was a special day here....it was my fifth birthday! My human mom said she remembers the day I was born and going to see me that very day. She said she will try to find some of my puppy pictures so I can share them here.

She got a special treat for me--LIVERGREAT! She gave me a nice big slice of it AND a cookie!

This is me waiting for my livergreat.

She also got me a neat new toy. It is a mallard duck and it QUACKS!! I played with it all evening and all day today. Isn't it cool?

Mom told me she has another treat for me and all my brothers & sisters and that we will get that this weekend. I will let you all know what we get.

Well, I am going to go play with my duck. Catch you all tomorrow!

Play bows,

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Computer Problems

Hi Everypup!
Wow! It is good to be back on line. Mom's computer crashed (I had nothing to do with it!!) and she had to take it to a friend of her's to get it fixed. She says there is still some information missing, but it is working and I am able to blog again.
We did another school demo recently, but Mom was not able to get any pictures. There was a reporter and photographer there and there is supposed to be an article in the weekly paper. They are supposed to send us a copy and I will let you all know what they have to say. It was pretty warm, so Mom only let Angel, Jasmine and Dave take the teacher for one run around the field. She did let the reporter take them out a short distance too. Jasmine dug a big hole in the wood chips to lie in. She sent chips flying all over everyone! The students had lots of fun meeting all of us and giving us lots of pets. Of course, we were all on our best behavior.
Mom took us out to the forest last Sunday to run. We knew it may be our last run of the season, so we made sure we all ran real good. Lakota and Blaze ran with Mom's friend Tom's team. Lakota always runs with them because he got hit by a car and cannot run fast enough to keep up with my team. Blaze ran with them because they needed a good leader and he was more than willing to help out. Mom ran Angel and Jasmine in lead, Velvet in swing, me in team and Dave in wheel. We had a WONDERFUL four mile run. We did it in about 30 minutes and that was with a break out at the lake which is 2 miles out. We went right past all the other dogs when we got back and went right up to where we get tied out. Mom was very happy and so were we. We really love running with her. She takes good care of us and we like to make her happy. We like going to the forest because the humans always have a cookout and we always get something extra special. They bake sweet potatoes in the fire and those are SOOOOO GOOD!!
Thinking about sweet potatoes is making me hungry....I think I will go see what Mom is making for supper!
Husky howls to all!