I have not been able to post for awhile due to some "stuff" that has been going on. Life is starting to get back to a more normal state, so I should be back to blogging on a regular basis again. Now we need to catch up.
First of, we all wish to send our sincere condolences to the OP Pack on the loss of Princess Dakota. May she be running North of the Rainbow Bridge with her silver harness flashing in the moonlight. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Next, we need to catch up on our True Colour posts. To jump back a few weeks, here are some of my IVORY toys. Mom also has an IVORY teddy bear that sits on her dresser.
bed and it has a MAROON and gold comforter on it. I like to sleep on her bed because I can look out the window and see what is going on in the front yard or on the street. I have to watch out for KHATS or evil squirrels, right?? haa roo!
I have missed everyone and am glad to be back with you.
Love & licks,