Hi Everybody!
We have some good MEWS! haa roo.... Mom has been talking to Auntie Kat and Merlin is doing better. The blood work was not back on Friday afternoon, so still waiting for that. The V-E-T thinks that Merlin had a seizure. Hopefully it was an isolated incident. He is now able to walk and his eyes are focusing. He is not totally better yet, so please keep those healing vibes & prayers going! The Power of the Paw!!
Auntie Kat asked me to thank all of you for your vibes & prayers.
I will keep you posted on Merlin's progress.
Thanks again my furiends!
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Healing Vibes Needed Please!
Hi Everybody!
I need a favor from every pup, kitty, hammie and hooman. Mom got a phone call from Auntie Kat tonight and one of her kitties, Merlin, has suddenly become very sick. She rushed him to the V-E-T and he has had blood tests. They are not sure if he was attacked by the seizure monster or something else. Right now he is home and Auntie Kat is staying right by his side.
Soooo....we need some emergency prayers, healing vibes and pawsitive energy to help Merlin get better. Can you please help? We all know how powerful the power of the paw can be! Thank you all in advance for your help. I will keep you posted on his condition.
Here are some pictures of Merlin, the magic cat....
He is a VERY sweet boy. He is a Ragdoll cat, so he is a BIG cat! Look at those pretty blue eyes.

Here he is showing off his best relaxation and stretching positions.

Thanks again, my friends! Let's hope we have some good news from Auntie Kat soon.
I need a favor from every pup, kitty, hammie and hooman. Mom got a phone call from Auntie Kat tonight and one of her kitties, Merlin, has suddenly become very sick. She rushed him to the V-E-T and he has had blood tests. They are not sure if he was attacked by the seizure monster or something else. Right now he is home and Auntie Kat is staying right by his side.
Soooo....we need some emergency prayers, healing vibes and pawsitive energy to help Merlin get better. Can you please help? We all know how powerful the power of the paw can be! Thank you all in advance for your help. I will keep you posted on his condition.
Here are some pictures of Merlin, the magic cat....
Here he is showing off his best relaxation and stretching positions.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Happy HOWL-o-ween!!
WooOOOooo all!
Happy HOWL-o-ween! I helped mom by announcing the Trick-or-Treaters tonight and now I got some computer time! Haa rooo!
In honor of Halloween, the True Color this week is BLACK, so here are some of our BLACK things. First, these are mom's BLACK sheets. They are very soft and the embroidery is very pretty.
This is something brand new! Mom got it today. It is a BLACK tool box...and look at the name...it is a HUSKY tool box!
My daddy dog, Dave, is mostly BLACK. This is one of our favorite pictures because it is of Dave and Auntie Kat. She is a very special lady and we all love her very much.
Now, would Halloween be complete without the next 2 BLACK things?? The first is the witch hat the mom wore tonight to complete the outfit she wore to greet the Trick or Treaters. haa roo!
And now....saving the best for last on HOWL-o-ween.....the EVIL BLACK KHAT!!!!!
Hope you all had a fun & safe HOWL-o-ween!
Happy HOWL-o-ween! I helped mom by announcing the Trick-or-Treaters tonight and now I got some computer time! Haa rooo!
In honor of Halloween, the True Color this week is BLACK, so here are some of our BLACK things. First, these are mom's BLACK sheets. They are very soft and the embroidery is very pretty.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
I'm BACK and in the PINK!
Haa rooo all!
Wow! It has been a long time since I have been able to get the computer away from mom!
She has been busy with work AND she has been playing some FARM game with Rocky's momma, Turbo's mom, Snowball's jie jie and some other DWB moms!
I recovered from my false pregnancy and am feeling perfectly fine again.
This Thursday's True Color was PINK! That is a color we really like here. First of all, here are some pretty PINK impatiens flowers that were right outside the gates of the new kennel. Mom brought them in the house this week because it got real cold here in CT.
I have been ducking Mom & the flashy beast, but she got me! It is a little chilly in the house today, so I am wearing the PINK sweater that my dear friend Snowball sent me.
In the hutch, mom has her pretty dishes. They have PINK roses on them and the cup and saucer right in front are PINK !
Haa roo...we really do have a lot of PINK in our house, especially in our kitchen. Mom even has a PINK coffee maker!! Isn't it pretty?
I saved the best stuff for last...our PINK harnesses!! It has been very chilly here...which is GOOD news for us! We are really hoping that it stays cold so we can get out and go running real soon!
We did a demo recently to help promote adopting dogs from shelters. Mom took pictures and I will post them real soon.
Wow! It has been a long time since I have been able to get the computer away from mom!
She has been busy with work AND she has been playing some FARM game with Rocky's momma, Turbo's mom, Snowball's jie jie and some other DWB moms!
I recovered from my false pregnancy and am feeling perfectly fine again.
This Thursday's True Color was PINK! That is a color we really like here. First of all, here are some pretty PINK impatiens flowers that were right outside the gates of the new kennel. Mom brought them in the house this week because it got real cold here in CT.
I have really missed all of you very much and am so happy to be back to blogging!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Let's Just Add Insult to Injury!
OK, everypup, THIS is just NOT FAIR!!
As you know, I got spayed last Thursday. Now, I didn't think I was doing anything wrong, but mom dragged me back to the V-E-T this afternoon. The reason?? Because she thinks I was acting "weird". I mean, HONESTLY?? Do I look like I am doing anything weird?
Well, friends, it gets even better. She told the V-E-T that I have been whining, not eating much and carrying my stuffie toys around, putting them under Auntie Kat's bed or on my bed or mom's bed. So they took my temperature (EXCUSE me, that is an EXIT ONLY!) and then flipped me over to check my incision. The incision was FINE. Ready for the verdict????
Are you all sitting down???
I am having a FALSE PREGNANCY!!!! Is that not the WEIRDEST thing?? I don't even have a puppymaker anymore! I am even producing milk!
They gave me a shot that will hopefully "shock" my body out of this. If it doesn't, mom & I will just have to deal with this for a few weeks. There was no way to know before I had my surgery, but the V-E-T said that it is good that we did the surgery or this would have started happening a lot and would have gotten worse each time. This way, once I get through this, it will not ever happen again.
Oh well.....I am going back to my bed to be with my puppies, errr..stuffie toys.
As you know, I got spayed last Thursday. Now, I didn't think I was doing anything wrong, but mom dragged me back to the V-E-T this afternoon. The reason?? Because she thinks I was acting "weird". I mean, HONESTLY?? Do I look like I am doing anything weird?
I am having a FALSE PREGNANCY!!!! Is that not the WEIRDEST thing?? I don't even have a puppymaker anymore! I am even producing milk!
They gave me a shot that will hopefully "shock" my body out of this. If it doesn't, mom & I will just have to deal with this for a few weeks. There was no way to know before I had my surgery, but the V-E-T said that it is good that we did the surgery or this would have started happening a lot and would have gotten worse each time. This way, once I get through this, it will not ever happen again.
Oh well.....I am going back to my bed to be with my puppies, errr..stuffie toys.
Monday, July 13, 2009
The New Kennel!
Hi Everypup, kitty & hammie!
I have been telling you that something special has been in the works here since March. I am happy to announce that on June 20, my team mates got moved into the brand new kennel area!
It is only about 20 feet from the house, so mom is able to keep a closer eye on everyone and keep everyone safer than before. It will also be much easier for her in the winter and SOO much easier to load us when we are going running!
Allow me to give you a tour. We are looking east and this is the entrance.
This is looking south and is the view from the street side of our property. That is Uncle Tom checking things out before he & mom started moving dogs, barrels, posts and cement blocks. The new area definitely got his stamp of approval!
MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!! Everyone is moved in & getting comfortable. The only change mom had to make was to switch the 2 dogs right in the front of the picture....that's Velvet on the left and Lakota on the right. Dave was not totally comfortable with Lakota, so mom swapped those 2 around. Dave was much happier because he was used to having Velvet next to him in the old kennel area. The dog moving in the picture is Jasmine (Dave's girlfriend haa roo!)
Here are Angel and Blaze. They are just to the right of the dogs in the picture above. Blaze now has a special piece of mesh called "shade" over his area. It blocks 80% of the sun so now he has as comfortable a space as everypup else. Oh, this was taken at breakfast time!
Here are Velvet in the front and Dave, my daddy dog in the back.
Lakota and Jasmine just finished their breakfast.
Here is my daddy dog Dave relaxing in the new kennel area. Do you see the windchimes right near him? Mom got them out of the old area a few days after the main move. They sound so beautiful and all of us enjoy them.
I will get some more pictures as soon as mom finishes putting in the plants along the kennel fence. She has put a cedar planter on each side of the kennel gate and is planting lavender and some other flowering plants.
I have been telling you that something special has been in the works here since March. I am happy to announce that on June 20, my team mates got moved into the brand new kennel area!
It is only about 20 feet from the house, so mom is able to keep a closer eye on everyone and keep everyone safer than before. It will also be much easier for her in the winter and SOO much easier to load us when we are going running!
Allow me to give you a tour. We are looking east and this is the entrance.
Mom took me for a nice walk in the yard today. It felt real good to get some fresh air & exercise! I checked out the old kennel area and got to see all my team mates in the nice NEW area!
I hope you enjoyed the tour of new kennel area. I am going to head off to bed now.
Sweet dreams!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
True Colours Catch-up & the DECEPTION!!!
Greetings every pup, kitty & hammie!
Here we go catching up! Haaa roo! we are almost there! First let's catch up on our True Colours Posts, hosted by our wonderful friend Blue. Last week's color was LEMON YELLOW. Welllllll.....not much of that color around here. But WAIT! I found a LEMON YELLOW LEMON on the mirror painting in the hall!
Now for this week...NAVY BLUE! We like blue colors here. Here are two of mom's eye shadow colors. They are actually darker in real life...just about NAVY BLUE!
Here we go catching up! Haaa roo! we are almost there! First let's catch up on our True Colours Posts, hosted by our wonderful friend Blue. Last week's color was LEMON YELLOW. Welllllll.....not much of that color around here. But WAIT! I found a LEMON YELLOW LEMON on the mirror painting in the hall!
I have something in NAVY BLUE too! This is my walking harness. It has howling wolves on it and it is the color of the week!
This is mom & my FAVORITE picture of something NAVY BLUE. Mom is wearing a be-wootiful NAVY BLUE dress. It has lots of fancy stitching on it. This picture was taken last year at her brother's wedding. That very handsome man in the suit is my dear grandpa. The other man is his brother. He is my mom's godfather, so he is a real special guy too.

Now I need to tell you all about the DECEPTION that happened to me on Thursday. I THOUGHT mom said I was going to have a SPA day. I knew something was up when we arrived at the V-E-T's office. It was not a SPA day.....it was a SPAY DAY!!!! YIKES!!!
Now I need to tell you all about the DECEPTION that happened to me on Thursday. I THOUGHT mom said I was going to have a SPA day. I knew something was up when we arrived at the V-E-T's office. It was not a SPA day.....it was a SPAY DAY!!!! YIKES!!!
I sure didn't expect that! To mom's credit, she stayed with me through the ENTIRE thing. She even held onto one of my feety feets during the surgery. YES, she watched my surgery! They trimmed my nails (the only SPA thing they did!) and cleaned my teeth while I was asleep. I was starting to wake up while I was still on the table (surgery was all done) so they carried me out and put me on a nice big fluffy comforter to finish waking up. Mom sat on the floor with me and pet me. I wasn't scared at all because she was right there. At one point, I was already trying to stand up, but my tongue was still hanging out. Mom said I looked like I had one too many pawtinis! Very shortly, the world stopped spinning and the doctor said we could go home. Everything was done in less than 3 hours! I have been resting, as you can see. Here I am on my bed with all my stuffie toys. That big sheep stuffie keeps the evil black KHAT away from me!

Mom has been very good to me. She has given me canned food, watermelon (YUMMY) and vanilla yogurt. Here I am enjoying my yogurt. I am getting lots of treats too. Maybe this SPAY thing isn't so bad after all.
Mom has been very good to me. She has given me canned food, watermelon (YUMMY) and vanilla yogurt. Here I am enjoying my yogurt. I am getting lots of treats too. Maybe this SPAY thing isn't so bad after all.
Friday, June 26, 2009
I'm Back & Starting to Catch up
Greetings everypup, kitty & hammie,
I have not been able to post for awhile due to some "stuff" that has been going on. Life is starting to get back to a more normal state, so I should be back to blogging on a regular basis again. Now we need to catch up.
First of, we all wish to send our sincere condolences to the OP Pack on the loss of Princess Dakota. May she be running North of the Rainbow Bridge with her silver harness flashing in the moonlight. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Next, we need to catch up on our True Colour posts. To jump back a few weeks, here are some of my IVORY toys. Mom also has an IVORY teddy bear that sits on her dresser.
Now I will start to blend the colors! haa roo! Here is Diana, who is BLACK & TAN and she is kneading my IVORY sheep stuffie toy.
These are my BLACK & TAN toys!
Now we are up to this weeks color, which is MAROON! I found these pillows in mom's room. They have squiggles on one side and stripes on the other!
In our kitchen, mom put up new curtains and they have MAROON in them. Look at the fancy wood work above the curtains. My grandpa did that...he was a really talented man!
Well, that catches me up on my True Colours. Tomorrow I will share something special that happened here last Saturday!
I have not been able to post for awhile due to some "stuff" that has been going on. Life is starting to get back to a more normal state, so I should be back to blogging on a regular basis again. Now we need to catch up.
First of, we all wish to send our sincere condolences to the OP Pack on the loss of Princess Dakota. May she be running North of the Rainbow Bridge with her silver harness flashing in the moonlight. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Next, we need to catch up on our True Colour posts. To jump back a few weeks, here are some of my IVORY toys. Mom also has an IVORY teddy bear that sits on her dresser.
bed and it has a MAROON and gold comforter on it. I like to sleep on her bed because I can look out the window and see what is going on in the front yard or on the street. I have to watch out for KHATS or evil squirrels, right?? haa roo!
I have missed everyone and am glad to be back with you.
Love & licks,
Thursday, May 28, 2009
True Colours Thursday times 2! Gray & Cobalt Blue
Grreetings everypup,kitty & hammie!
We got it right this week! haa rooo rooo It is True Colours Thursday, hosted by our friend Blue. This week's colour is COBALT BLUE! Now, we missed posting last week, so I wanted to share our bit of GRAY which was last week's colour. Here are 2 of my toys--a Canada goose and some other kind of bird and even though the other bird LOOKS brown, it is actually GRAY!Also, look at the pretty embroidery on the sheets--it is GRAY too! So....we have covered the GRAY ...gee that sounds like a commercial! hee hee!
We got it right this week! haa rooo rooo It is True Colours Thursday, hosted by our friend Blue. This week's colour is COBALT BLUE! Now, we missed posting last week, so I wanted to share our bit of GRAY which was last week's colour. Here are 2 of my toys--a Canada goose and some other kind of bird and even though the other bird LOOKS brown, it is actually GRAY!Also, look at the pretty embroidery on the sheets--it is GRAY too! So....we have covered the GRAY ...gee that sounds like a commercial! hee hee!
Now, on to this week's colour! I found some really cool COBALT BLUE things here. Now, I know I showed you the crystal ball before, but because it is COBALT BLUE I wanted to share it again.
Mom went shoe shopping recently and look what she came home with--COBALT BLUE shoes!
Aren't they cute? Mom says they are comfortable, but I don't think I am going to try them on.
This is Mom's favorite tea cup. Her momma gave it to her and not only is it COBALT BLUE, but is has two running wolves on it! If you look close or make the picture bigger, you can see them a little better.
Last but not least, I wanted to share my mostest favoritest toy in the whole world. It is my COBALT BLUE squeaky bone. If I am feeling scared or lonely or if Mom is going away, this is the toy I want. I will bring it to Mom and she knows right away that I need an extra hug.
Well, that's my GRAY and COBALT BLUE things! We have some interesting things going on here and I will try to post about some of that tomorrow. Thank you for stopping by. I do love sharing my True Colour things with you!
Husky howls,
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
True Colours TURQUOISE (yeah we are playing catch up!)
Haa roooo everypup, kitty & hammie!
I am SOOOO late with my True Color post! I wasn't sure if it was even going to get done today because Mom fractured a bone in her wrist and has to wear a splint for at least a month!
Anyhaarooo, while she CAN type, let's get rolling with TURQUOISE!!! What a pretty color to look for! I went into Mom's make up box and found three TURQUOISE eyeshadows.
This is our teapot. It is a pretty shade of TURQUOISE as are ALL of our pots & pans! They make our kitchen look nice & colorful.
Next I got one of our husky stuffies that has TURQUOISE eyes to model with some of Mom's TURQUOISE jewelry. And look on top of it's head---it is a ring with a TURQUOISE blue topaz stone! haa roo!
Now it would just not be right to do this post without me getting into it somehow. So...Mom put on her new TURQUOISE & lapis ring and took this picture while she did something I absolutely LOVE...TUMMY RUBS!! Yup, that's my tummy and one of my feety feets making the TURQUOISE look extra special! hee hee
This is the most important TURQUOISE item I have. It is the bracelet that Mom wears all the time. It says "PROTECT OUR PETS" and it is for pet cancer research. Mom got it from the Blue Buffalo dog food rep. The organization is PetCancerAwareness.org if you want to check it out and get YOUR hu-mom or dad a bracelet too.
Wow! Mom made it through the typing, even if it did take her twice as long as normal! haa roo Thank you for stopping by and letting me share our TURQUOISE items with you. The next color is GRAY and YIKES! it is tomorrow! I better start hunting around now!
I am SOOOO late with my True Color post! I wasn't sure if it was even going to get done today because Mom fractured a bone in her wrist and has to wear a splint for at least a month!
Anyhaarooo, while she CAN type, let's get rolling with TURQUOISE!!! What a pretty color to look for! I went into Mom's make up box and found three TURQUOISE eyeshadows.
Husky howls,
Saturday, May 9, 2009
True Colours Thursday...on Saturday again! oops!
Greetings all & happy Saturday!
Well, we are late again for our True Colours post. The computer has been locking up, so hopefully we can get this done before it happens again. This week's color is CERISE-a bright pink! We LOVE this color and I could easily find lots of CERISE things. First off, here is a Capodimonte piece with pretty white doves and CERISE flowers.
Next, here are some of our "good" china pieces. The design is called Old Country Roses, and as you can see, the roses are CERISE!! Aren't they pretty? Mom says the best part of these roses is that they don't have THORNS! haa roo!
Now you all know that we have quite a collection of husky stuffies...but here's one you did not see before. This special one sits on top of mom's computer monitor and wears some very special CERISE beads. They are special because Grandpa gave them to Mom.
Another reason that CERISE is abundant here is that it is our kennel color. Our harnesses are CERISE as is our sled bag. Harnesses come in two basic styles, so I wanted to share both with you. On the left is an "H-back" or "trail" harness. This kind of harness is good for a wider body type dog. On the right is an "X-back" harness. This kind is good for a long, lean body type dog. Supposedly it is harder to "back out" of, but trust me, that is NOT necessarily true! haa rooo! The X-back in the picture has black padding on it, just like the blue padding on the H-back...it just didn't show up because of the dark background.

Here I am modeling one of the H-back harnesses. Our harnesses are VERY comfortable because Mom makes sure they fit us properly.
We have lots of pretty pillows to decorate Mom's bed and one of my favorites is this CERISE one. And look....there is some CERISE in the other pillows too!

Now this is a very special CERISE flower. This is to wish my very best friend SNOWBALL a very Happy Barkday! Her barkday is tomorrow and CERISE was chosen to celebrate her barkday. HAPPY BARKDAY SNOWBALL!! I chose this pretty CERISE orchid as a special tribute to you, because you are beautiful too!
Well, we are late again for our True Colours post. The computer has been locking up, so hopefully we can get this done before it happens again. This week's color is CERISE-a bright pink! We LOVE this color and I could easily find lots of CERISE things. First off, here is a Capodimonte piece with pretty white doves and CERISE flowers.
Here I am modeling one of the H-back harnesses. Our harnesses are VERY comfortable because Mom makes sure they fit us properly.
Now this is a very special CERISE flower. This is to wish my very best friend SNOWBALL a very Happy Barkday! Her barkday is tomorrow and CERISE was chosen to celebrate her barkday. HAPPY BARKDAY SNOWBALL!! I chose this pretty CERISE orchid as a special tribute to you, because you are beautiful too!
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